About New Jersey's Children's System of Care (CSOC)
The New Jersey Children's System of Care (CSOC) is a division with the New Jersey Department of Children and Families (DCF) that serves youth up to age 21 in need of mental health supports, substance use treatment or programs/services for developmental disabilities. The foundational philosophy of all System of Care partners is the trauma-informed, Wraparound/Child Family Team approach. CSOC provides voluntary services based on the youth and family needs in a family-centered, culturally competent, community-based environment. This Wraparound approach builds on the family's unique strengths, values, voice, and connects the family to resources in their community.
There are four key partners in the Children's System of Care available in each county throughout the State. The link to the Bergen County partners are included below:
The Children's System of Care partners in each county include:
Children's Mobile Response and Stabilization Services (MRSS) View a 4 minute video about Children's Mobile Response |
PerformCare may authorize mobile response stabilization services (MRSS) to come your home within one hour of notification to provide face-to-face crisis services. The goal is to stabilize behavior and keep your child at home. Mobile response is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and can offer up to eight weeks of stabilization services. MRSS is designed to provide intervention within the community. However it is not a substitute for psychiatric emergency services where there is imminent risk to self and others. CarePlusNJ is the contracted provider of Children's Mobile Response and Stabilization Services in Bergen County. View the MRSS page . |
Care Management Organization (CMO) |
Bergen's Promise is the contracted Care Management Organization for Bergen County. Comprehensive care coordination and planning for youth and their families with moderate and complex needs. The Care Managers work with the youth and families to build a cohesive, supportive Child and Family Team to address identified needs. The Wraparound model brings family, professionals working with the family, informal and community supports together to develop and individualized care plan. Youth and family voice is integral to this process every step of the way to promote progress and success. View the Bergen's Promise website to learn more about CMO, Wraparound, and the NJ CSOC. |
Family Support Organization (FSO) |
FSOs offer a variety of support s and services that are available to caregivers of youth with needs whether the youth are involved with the CMO or not. A youth does not have to be engaged in CSOC services for caregivers to access FSO services such as:
View the website of the Family Support Organization of Bergen County to learn more and see the schedule of Parent 2 Parent support meetings. |
Children's Interagency Coordinating Council (CIACC) |
This is a local planning body that fosters cross-system service planning for youth in the county. CIACCs provide a multidisciplinary forum to identify needs and address barriers to effective service delivery and make recommendation on programs and policies to sustain a responsive, accessible and integrated System of Care for youth and their families. CIACCs serve in an advisory capacity to both county government and DCF. CIACCs have several subcommittees including an Education Subcommittee - this is a partnership between local school districts and local agencies that serve youth and families. There is a CIACC page where you can access meeting details, membership form, local resource directories and more! Learn about the CIACC of Bergen County! |
To access services through NJ's Children's System of Care (CSOC) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week:
Call PerformCare 1-877-652-7624
This is a single point of entry to an array of services throughout the state. 24/7 toll-free access line that connects you to PerformCare, the Contracted System Administrator (CSA) for the Children's System of Care.
The parent/guardian must make the call to PerformCare to ask for assistance. Professionals may help the parent/guardian in making the call. Teachers, Social Workers, Clinicians, Medical Personnel, Pastors, and others involved with the child or family can suggest that the parent contact CSOC. The helping person can also assist the parent/guardian through a conference call. The parent/guardian must be willing to speak to the Care Coordinator and agree to the CSOC assessment process.
Are services that I am referred to by PerformCare free?
Services recommended and authorized by PerformCare are paid by a variety of sources, such as public funds that include Medicaid and NJ FamilyCare, and commercial insurance or self-pay. Although families may not be charged for certain services, they are not free and families will be asked to provide insurance information as part of their contact with PerformCare. All families referred for services who are not already Medicaid or NJ FamilyCare eligible will be required to complete an eligibility application.
For more information about PerformCare, visit: http://www.performcarenj.org En Espanol.
**If you are an Educator in Bergen County, the NJ Department of Children and Families provides periodic Town Hall meetings on the Children's System of Care and posts copies of the recordings on the PerformCare Educators Page.
PerformCare’s Educators Page: New Jersey Children's System of Care Resources for Educational Professionals | PerformCare (performcarenj.org)
Educators can get familiar with the PerformCare Educators page and check it regularly for updates.