Community Resource

Teens Using Technology Responsibly (TUTER) (Division of Family Guidance)

(201) 336-7350

Teens Using Technology Responsibly (TUTER) (Division of Family Guidance)

The TUTER programs was developed to fulfill the treatment provisions of the laws as specified by the recent legislation regarding minors engaged in sexting. The program currently serves two main purposes: education regarding the laws and harmful effects of sexting,  and diversion of criminal charges from the courts for first time offenders.

The goals of TEACH and TUTER are to serve as a diversion option for school districts, mental health providers and law enforcement, to provide education and intervention to decrease future similar behavior and prevent further involvement in the judicial system.

Currently, these psycho-educational programs are comprised of 8 sessions, including a psychosocial assessment with focus on major areas of functioning such as legal, school, social, familial, and mental health issues, as well as individual sessions. Topics covered include issues relating to sexting, digital safety,  and the consequences and long-term impact of these decisions. The programs also address other issues pertaining to the specific individual such as self-esteem, self-respect, privacy and intimacy. Parent involvement is expected in each program.

Eligibility All adolescents residing in Bergen County are eligible for this program. However, referrals must come from school districts, mental health providers and law enforcement and/or court personnel.
Age Groups
  • Adolescents
Community Services
Family & Support Services
Health Services
Behavioral / Mental Health
Treatment Services
Outpatient Services
Payment Options
  • Free

Last Updated: 05/15/24