Project Hire Transition Services (The Arc of New Jersey)
(732) 246-7605
North Brunswick
The Arc of New Jersey’s Project HIRE is a supported employment program designed to connect people with disabilities to integrated employment opportunities in their community.
The program assists adults with disabilities in finding and maintaining competitive employment. The program also assists Middle and High School students in their preparation and transition to adult life with its School-to-Work program.
The benefits of Project HIRE are wide-ranging. Individuals benefit from having the opportunity to earn a competitive wage, become contributing, tax-paying members of society, and realize the self-worth, esteem, and independence that come from having a job. Employers benefit because hiring people with disabilities is good business; it helps to ensure a diversified workforce, provides the assistance of Project HIRE staff with training, and brings workers who are highly motivated, punctual, and often out-distance other workers in job performance. And the Community benefits because a population that historically has relied largely on publicly-funded day programs now has the resources to become tax-contributing members of the labor force, and fully included members of their neighborhoods.
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Last Updated: 04/24/24