Awareness - Suicide Prevention Resources
(908) 227-8481

I'm having suicidal thoughts but I don't want to hurt myself.
I feel down, depressed or hopeless.
I am thinking about overdosing on drugs.
I have been sober for 1 year and I am thinking about going to the liquor store.
I have not used drugs for 6 months, but I'm stressed and thinking about using one more time.
I am thinking about using drugs for the first time.
I'm worried about my loved one/friend's mental health. I'm afraid she might hurt herself.
I am in emotional distress.
911 (Police Fire & Medical)
I have harmed myself. I am hurt or sick and need help.
I have an immediate plan to hurt or kill myself.
I'm afraid I might hurt myself or others.
Someone I know is threatening to hurt himself.
Someone I know is threatening to hurt someone.
l overdosed and I think I need medical attention.
I am struggling to feed my family and I need help getting food.
I cannot pay my utility bills and I need help.
I don't have anywhere to stay. Do I have to go to a shelter?
I cannot afford my mortgage and I am about to go into foreclosure.
I cannot afford my rent and my landlord is threatening to evict me.
I am going to lose my job if I cannot find affordable childcare.
I have been unemployed for a while and my benefits are about to run out.
There was a natural disaster and I cannot afford to repair my home.
Psychiatric Emergency Screening Program (PESP)
262-HELP (201-262-4357) –Psychiatric Emergency Screening Program (PESP) is Bergen County’s Designated Psychiatric Emergency Screening Program. The purpose of 262-HELP is to provide emergency mental health services to residents of Bergen County.
Bergen County Traumatic Loss Coalition (TLC)
The Traumatic Loss Coalition for Youth (TLC) is an interactive, statewide network that offers collaboration and support to professionals working with school age youth. The dual mission of the TLC is excellence in both suicide prevention and trauma response assistance to schools following the sudden losses due to suicide, homicide, accident and illness.
Bergen County TLC Coordinator contact: Jennifer Velten, MA, LPC, ACS (201)-250-6660 (M) [email protected]
Support Groups for Survivors of Suicide Loss
Survivors After Suicide Support Group: This support group is for those who have experienced the loss of loved one through suicide. Meets 1st & 3rd Wednesday of every month at 7:15pm at Vantage Health Center 22 Park Avenue Dumont, New Jersey 07628.
Questions? Contact:
Alyssa Fiume
[email protected]
Suicide Bereavement Support Group
A group open to any adult who has experienced the loss of a loved one by suicide. Unexpected loss, unanswered questions, and grief take a toll on survivors. This support group provides suicide loss survivors a space where they can get comfort knowing they are not alone.
Date: The second Monday of each month beginning 11/11/24
Location: CBHCare (Lyndhurst location)
516 Valleybrook Ave., Lyndhurst, 2nd floor community room
Time: 7 pm- 8:30 pm
Pre-Register at:
For questions, please call the Intensive Family Support Services at
201-296-6011 or 201-296-6199
Alliance of Hope 24/7 Support for Survivors of Suicide Loss
Losing a loved one to suicide can be life-altering. It is helpful to understand what you or your loved ones are experiencing. Learn about common emotions and challenges, the grief journey, and what can help.
Prevent Suicide NJ (PSNJ) is the Garden State’s most comprehensive resource for suicide prevention. PSNJ strives to collaborate with state departments, professional and community organizations, schools and families to reduce suicide, diminish the stigma of suicide, and support those touched by suicide.
PSNJ is for all New Jersey residents including behavioral health providers, primary care providers, educators, suicide prevention experts and advocates, parents and caregivers, youth and young adults, suicide loss survivors, and anyone who wants to learn how they can stand united with NJ against youth suicide.
(888) 222-2228 A 24/7 youth helpline serving all youth and young adults in New Jersey. Youth who call are assisted with their daily life challenges by professional staff and trained volunteers.
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention - NJ Chapter
The grassroots work we do focuses on eliminating the loss of life from suicide by: delivering innovative prevention programs, educating the public about risk factors and warning signs, raising funds for suicide research and programs, and providing support to those individuals who have lost someone to suicide or who have lived experience. For more information contact Elizabeth Clemens, NJ Area Director at [email protected]
Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide
The mission of the Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide is to reduce the number of youth suicides and attempted suicides by encouraging public awareness through the development and promotion of educational training programs.
Common Myths about Youth Suicide
Learn the difference between myths and facts associated with Youth Suicide
YSPAC Back to School Resources - Related to Suicide
The National Crisis & Suicide Lifeline is a 24-hour confidential suicide prevention helpline available to anyone in suicidal crisis or emotional distress.
The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention AFSP
Established in 1987, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) is a voluntary health organization that gives those affected by suicide a nationwide community empowered by research, education and advocacy to take action against this leading cause of death.
FREE Evidence Based Mental Health Education Programs for Schools and Resources for Parents and Teens.
How to Talk to a Child About a Suicide Attempt in Your Family
International Association for Suicide Prevention
The IASP was established in 1960 and is the largest international organization dedicated to suicide prevention and to the alleviation of the effects of suicide. It has members in more than 50 countries.
JED is a nonprofit that exists to protect emotional health and prevent suicide for our nation’s teens and young adults.
Suicide Prevention Resource Center
The Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC) is the only federally supported resource center devoted to advancing the implementation of the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention. SPRC is funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) under grant no. 5U79SM062297 and is located at Education Development Center. It includes links to databases of evidence-based suicide prevention programs.
The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning (LGBTQ) young people under 25. If you’re thinking about suicide, you deserve immediate help - please call the Trevor Lifeline at 866-488-7386.
TrevorText is a confidential and secure resource that provides live help for LGBTQ youth with a trained specialist, over text messages. Text START to 678678.
- Suicide Attempts and Culturally Responsive Approaches for Latinos Factsheet Clinicians working Latino populations should consider acculturation, trauma experiences, cultural values and culturally responsive models at the moment of diagnosing and treating Latino communities with a history of suicide attempts.
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Behavioral / Mental HealthCrisis / Safety |
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Last Updated: 02/07/25